Sunday, May 31, 2020

Preparing Yourself for the Job You Really Want Building Your Future Now

Preparing Yourself for the Job You Really Want Building Your Future Now Sometimes our idealism and optimism can cloud our vision when it comes to our career development. Despite limited experience or training we put ourselves through the wringer applying to jobs we will never get. We feel that sometimes we have a shot or that the employer will see something unique on our resume. The reality isif you dont have the experience or the chops there is no in point applying. It is a waste of time that will only deplete your confidence. Getting started You need to focus on the job you want. If you dont have the skills, experience or education thats fine; however, you need to be honest with yourselfdo you really want that job? If you said Yes that is a great start. Now, the next question is: are you willing to do what it takes to get that job? If you said Yes then it is go time! Develop a game plan How do you get the job that you really want? Easy. Research. Look around. Ask questions. Do your homework. It will take time and effort but at the end of the day you will have a great foundation to get your career going. One of the easiest and most important things you need to do is talk to people especially those in your field and the job you are targeting. Might take longer than you think The reality is if you want something badly you need to work very hard for it. That goes for anything in life including your career. If you are focusing on a particular job you want you need to meticulously break it down and find out everything you need to know about it. But remember it might not be something you can get quickly. It might take you years to finally get to that role. Image: Raw Pixel

Thursday, May 28, 2020

How to Construct a Resume Lesson Plan

How to Construct a Resume Lesson PlanWriting a resume lesson plan is a fun and easy way to learn how to construct your own resume. There are no rules that you need to follow, but you do need to do some research, and plan carefully so that you will be able to write your own unique resume.The first step is to get the process of writing a resume on the right direction. The great thing about this is that the process for composing a resume has already been done for you, the main thing you have to do is look at your previous work experience, make a list of qualifications, and of course add in education and work experience.Tips to writing a resume lesson plan should be used to make sure that the job that you are applying for is actually a good match for you. This means that you want to make sure that the company that you are applying for has a good company culture, and provides a lot of opportunities for growth. It is also a good idea to do research on the company before you start your pers onal application.There are many resources online that can be used to learn more about the company culture. It is always best to use these resources as a guide, and do your own research and follow up with any companies that you feel are not a good fit. You may also find a company that is exactly what you are looking for, and you will not have to worry about how to write a resume lesson plan when you get a job offer.One way to begin your resume lesson plan is to get used to the process of writing a resume, and learn what keywords you should use. This can be a great way to learn how to create a quality resume, especially if you never have to submit one. Once you know how to write a resume and how to use the right keywords you will be ready to use it in an interview.An important part of the resume is the summary, and this is where your skills come into play. Take some time to figure out what skills you have, and what you can bring to the table as soon as you begin your resume lesson pla n. With a little research and planning, this part of the resume can help you land the job you are after.If you are just starting to use a resume lesson plan, then you will want to make sure that you keep a few key points in mind. First, you will want to have all of your information organized so that you will be able to easily find your qualifications, educational background, and experience quickly. Second, you will want to ensure that your skills are covered, and that you have all of the necessary experience to be able to work on your resume.Now that you know how to construct a resume, you can use it to help you land the job of your dreams, and to start building your skills, and know how to write a resume. There are many great resources available that can help you with your career search, and one of them is the resume lesson plan. It can help you learn how to create a strong resume that you can use in an interview, or when applying for an apprenticeship position.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Must-do Interview Checklist for Your Candidates

The Must-do Interview Checklist for Your Candidates Preparation, preparation, and preparation its something youve probably told your candidates a thousand times to do ahead of a job interview. Weve heard of the saying, If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and thats something you definitely dont want for your candidates. “We get more questions about interviews than anything else, so hopefully this guide can help settle a few of those initial nerves.Right at the top of our list is that any interviewee should have clear directions so they know exactly where they are going. It’s amazing how many people mess this up and turn up late.Nothing sets a worse example than being late for a job interview. It screams that the person isn’t really interested or very reliable. Always aim to arrive to an interview at least 10 minutes early. Having clear directions and knowing exactly where you are heading makes this much easier.” Betsy Williamson, Managing Director at Core-Asset Consulting The other top tips on the Core-Asset Consulting list of items to bring to an interview include: WATER   Nerves during an interview can cause a dry throat, so being prepared with a water bottle is helpful. Taking a sip can also buy time when trying to gather your thoughts to answer a difficult question. Use a reusable water bottle, since many firms are committed to tackling single-use plastics. NOTEPAD AND PEN   Having a few important points written down helps you feel calm and prepared. Jotting down keynotes during the interview will show you are engaged and help you remember important information. However, don’t forget to maintain eye contact. COPIES OF YOUR CV   You must be comfortable talking about your skills and experience without aids. But having copies of your CV shows foresight and preparation, especially if your interviewer doesn’t have it to hand. Bring up to four copies in case of a panel interview. EXAMPLES OF YOUR WORK   Particularly important for positions that involve creating visuals or writing content. A neat and well-organised portfolio gives tangible evidence of your skills. If the interview doesn’t require evidence, have a “mental checklist” of your relevant accomplishments. IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS   If you have been asked to bring specific documents â€" such as your Passport or other photo ID â€" bring the originals, as well as copies to leave behind. QUESTIONS   Don’t leave all the questions to the interviewer. Having your own questions could help you impress and land the job. Having two or three questions prepared in advance will demonstrate that you’ve done your research and are passionate about the role. A SMILE AND ENTHUSIASM   A smile is all too easy to forget in a high-stakes or high-pressure situation. But it will help you come across as friendly, personable and engaged. Betsy added: “Enthusiasm might be the final item on the list, but it is the most important. Your attitude in an interview affects the outcome. If you are interested in the job, why not show it?” Core-Asset also advises job applicants to bring along the essentials in a smart folder or bag, so they are neat, orderly and easy to access. As well as the list of dos to help interviewees be prepared, Core-Asset has also come up with a list of the top three don’ts â€" which can scupper hopes of landing a dream new job. The items to leave behind are: MOBILE PHONE   A major turn off for interviewers is an applicant who keeps checking their phone â€" or whose mobile rings during the process. Core-Asset say it is vital to ensure your phone is switched to silent and kept in a pocket or bag for the duration of the interview. SHOPPING   Turning up with shopping bags is guaranteed to leave interviewers unimpressed. Leave shopping bags in your car, or better still don’t go shopping until  after  your interview. FOOD AND DRINK   While having a bottle of water is sensible, showing up for your interview with snacks, a packed lunch or a takeaway coffee is a no-no. It is likely to prove distracting “It never ceases to amaze us how many applicants unwittingly shoot themselves in the foot in these ways â€" without ever realizing where they went wrong. Having your phone ring in an interview is a huge distraction and can also be seen as disrespectful. Bringing in your takeaway coffee or your shopping bags can also appear unprofessional. Why sink your chances of a job when these banana skins are so easily avoided?” Betsy Williamson, Managing Director at Core-Asset Consulting

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Four Ways To Keep Movin On Up

Four Ways To Keep Movin On Up As an entrepreneur, you tend to enjoy much more freedom and flexibility than most professionals in terms of scheduling and decision-making; however, this freedom also comes with a trade-off of many challenges that can sometimes exceed the responsibilities of the average professional. With a heavy burden of responsibility comes the need to aid in your professional development to be able to approach these tasks with the utmost success. Although you may work on your own terms, there are still several ways you can continue growing and developing as a professional. 1. Learn from entrepreneurs like you. It may seem to defy the independent nature of the entrepreneurial spirit, but learning from others in a similar position is a great way to avoid common mistakes and receive helpful tips for running a business. Look for seminars and conventions that are designed primarily for entrepreneurs. Industry related programs and seminars give you the opportunity to learn from thought leaders and meet with potential partners to expand your business. You can also try learning from other entrepreneurs by absorbing some helpful tips during a leisurely reading hour at a library or bookstore. 2. Advance your education. Contrary to popular belief, acquiring an education is not exclusively intended to make your resume look better and increase your appeal in the job market. Although this is certainly a perk, the main goal of an education should be to increase your knowledge base and develop skills in your industry. Even with your busy schedule, you can still expand your education by taking classes online to work toward a degree, or to gain a better grasp on concepts that are relevant to your profession. Furthermore, you can acquire relevant certifications for your industry to boast your credibility to potential clients and partners. 3. Feed your creative spirit Creativity is a fundamental personality trait for all entrepreneurs. When working long hours and conducting multiple logistical projects, you may find it difficult to maintain your creative spirit. Plan a creative project (either business-related or personal) to help you get back into the swing of things creatively. You can do anythingâ€"rent out an art studio, purchase multiple art supplies, and awaken your creative spirit for an afternoon. You can take a dance class, attend the theater, listen to classical music, or whatever you prefer that would stimulate your mind and your creativity for better performance at work. 4. Enhance your visibility and appeal on the net. One of the best ways to enhance your professional development is by improving your image. These days, your image online can often be more important than your image in person simply because this is where you are most likely to encounter potential clients and partners. Increase the appeal of your social networking accounts by updating more frequently and completely filling out all informational sections available. Start a blog, if you dont already have one, and update it frequently to allow others to get to know you on a more personal level. Connect with others in your industry through LinkedIn and other social networking sites to broaden your professional network. By focusing on your online presence, you can learn about Internet marketing, the current state of the industry, and how your business measures up to the competition. Each of these concepts significantly enhances your professional development, while improving your professional image as well. What others ways should  entrepreneurs  keep moving up?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Volunteering = Career Development

Volunteering = Career Development Tips for Getting the Most out of Volunteering   I have always been a volunteer. I have just simply believed in the importance of giving time and resources when and if you are able. I have had the pleasure of serving on the Associates Board for Working in the Schools (WITS), a literacy nonprofit in Chicago, for the past three years. For the past eight months, I have had the honor of serving as the President of the board. Everyone knows that volunteering is a great thing to do. Personally, I think we all owe it to our communities. And let’s be honest, it feels great to know you’re helping a child or making someone’s day a little easier. It is also a great way to meet new people and forge new friendships. One of my primary reasons for joining a board was to meet new people it has brought into my life new best friends and a roommate. There is also another great reward that results from volunteering: career development. And I don’t just mean the typical resume booster of listing charities and charitable events under your community involvement section. I am talking about actual career development. Exposure to a New Network Whether it’s fair or not, many situations in life can be enhanced through the “who you know” factor. Many charities are supported by top-level executives, local business owners, and well-connected civic leaders â€" great people to have in your “who you know” drawer. And my experience has shown me that these people are more than willing and happy to make time for young professionals involved with a group they are committed to as well. The ability to effectively network refines your communication and relationship building skills; both of which are crucial to being an effective manager, leader, entrepreneur, etc. I have seen people from my board effectively network with the superiors associated to our board and utilize their relationships within their new network to leverage a new job opportunity or as a reference on a grad school application. Many have also found great mentors to guide them professionally and personally. Experience in a new Sector Very few of us know exactly what we want to do with our lives and our careers when we’re in our twenties and even thirties. Many of us will change jobs a number of times before we find that “right fit” or the company/job that makes us feel fulfilled, happy and challenged.  Involvement with a nonprofit board can offer a number of opportunities to gain PR experience; event planning, serving as a spokesperson at events or meetings, social media outreach on behalf of the charity’s programs or policies, etc. Leadership Opportunities Outside of the Office Leadership skills are crucial to career development and growth. Taking on a leadership role within a charity group shows initiative, a desire to improve upon one’s skills, and a willingness to commit your time to a greater cause. A leader on a nonprofit board is tasked with the sometimes difficult mission of earning the respect of and leading a group of peers while at the same time focusing on earning the respect of superiors. A young professional who can harness this skill is in a great position to continue to advance as a leader in his or her career. Tips for Getting the Most out of Volunteering   1. Find your passion. Choose a charity that’s mission is focused on something you are interested in or helps a demographic you really care about. People can tell the difference between a true genuine desire to help and an underlying motive of just helping yourself. 2. Network, Network, Network. Don’t be shy. Introduce yourself to everyone and reach out to new people. Don’t be someone who stands like a wallflower in the corner at events or never provides any input during meetings. People are there for the same reasons, find out their story and tell them yours. 3. Focus on relationships. Don’t dive right into asking people what they can do for you and your career. Focus on building real relationships and making real connections first. Once you do that, people will want to help you and want to further connect with you. 4. Make the commitment. Don’t be a half-assed member; make it worth your time and the time of the other people involved. Actual involvement is where your relationships and true leadership experience will develop from. Remember: the more you give, the more you get. As it happens, WITS is holding its annual Blackboard Affair this Friday, February 24th, and for more information you can go to  WITS Chicago Masquerade Ball  and wed love you to join us if you are in the area! Nevertheless,  start searching Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. for charity boards in your city. It’s amazing the amount of organizations out there in need of hard-working, positive young professionals who are committed to helping their community. And then enjoy the relationship as your community, in turn, starts to help you.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

So You Want a Job in Film Television Use These Tips for Success -

So You Want a Job in Film Television Use These Tips for Success Source: Pexels.comDo you think that you have what it takes to become the next big actor or actress in Hollywood but cannot seem to get your foot in the door?Many people share in this same dilemma, but there are numerous ways to ensure that your talents do not go to waste.Many people find it easy to break into reality television before TV or film roles, though if you’re as lucky as Charlize Theron or Johnny Depp, you might make it big your first audition!evalHere are a few tips that can help you make that big break in film and televisionthat you want.1. Great TrainingDon’t spend your hard-earned money for cheap training unless you want to be considered as a cheap actor or actress. There are many film courses out there that are a bigger waste of money than a help and it is safe to say that you do not want to involve yourself with such a name.Check out some of the best film schools in Los Angeles, New York, and Los Angeles and pay the costs to be the boss and learn what it takes to survive in Hollywood!2. What are Your TalentsNot everyone can be perfect at everything, even a great actor. So, know where you flourish and use it to your advantage. Once you find your ‘role’ it is much easier to impress the producers and the audience that you are performing for.If you’re interested in reality TV, knowing what you are good at and the areas that you excel is even more beneficial!3. Let Your Personality ShineAn outgoing personality gets you ahead in the industry. Producers want actors and actresses their audience can relate to and that will like and people who are full of ‘character’ alway land the biggest and best roles. Be yourself but do not be afraid to show your true personality.Perhaps even step out of your comfort zone to make a lasting impression. A consultation with a renowned TV produceris one great way to make sure you’re standing out in the best way ever.4. Don’t Give UpevalWhen you are trying to make a name for yourself and get noticed in th e film industry, it can be frustrating. It seems that despite your best efforts, no one seems to notice.But, persistence pays off in this industry and when you continue to put your best foot forward, it can take you to great places in due time.Don’t allow frustrations to get the best of you and always shine when attending an interview, rehearsal, etc.Final ThoughtsA career in film and television is fun and exciting and offers the chance to earn a lucrative income in the process of enjoying your job. But, many others are in the same shoes, hoping to get that big break in the industry and enjoy those very same perks.evalStand out from the crowd of hopeful people and use the tips listed above to ensure you get the chance that you’ve always dreamed to have in film and television.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Three for Friday The Snowy Day Edition - Sterling Career Concepts

Three for Friday The Snowy Day Edition Three for Friday: The Snowy Day Edition With these frigidtempsand more snow falling than I couldever imagine, Ive been reading a lot lately and want to share with you three of my recent favorites: Research Your Target Employers Meg Guiseppi of Executive Career Brand offers a bookmark-worthy, information-packed post on how and why to research your list of target companies. Meg lists nine topics you should research for each company,gives 10 reasons why you should invest the time togather companyand industry intelligence, and then shares more than 12 online resources to get your productivity moving in the right direction. Job Seekers: How Do You Handle Rejection?Kris Plantrich of ResumeWonders and The Resume Chicks wrote avaluable post sharingways to keep a positive attitude andlearn both externally and internally from rejection, which is an unfortunateaspect ofjob search. Kris advisesthat while we cant take rejection out of the job search process, we can learn from it and learn to handle it professionally. What Kind of Interview Is It? Eli Amdur does a great job of walking readers through the different types of interviews that exist. If you havent interviewed in a while or if youre advancingin the process with a particular company, its a smart idea to review the different scenarios you may encounter and plan accordingly. You may not know until the day of, either, so its important to be able to shift gears and handle different dynamics on the fly. Three for Friday The Snowy Day Edition Three for Friday: The Snowy Day Edition With these frigidtempsand more snow falling than I couldever imagine, Ive been reading a lot lately and want to share with you three of my recent favorites: Research Your Target Employers Meg Guiseppi of Executive Career Brand offers a bookmark-worthy, information-packed post on how and why to research your list of target companies. Meg lists nine topics you should research for each company,gives 10 reasons why you should invest the time togather companyand industry intelligence, and then shares more than 12 online resources to get your productivity moving in the right direction. Job Seekers: How Do You Handle Rejection?Kris Plantrich of ResumeWonders and The Resume Chicks wrote avaluable post sharingways to keep a positive attitude andlearn both externally and internally from rejection, which is an unfortunateaspect ofjob search. Kris advisesthat while we cant take rejection out of the job search process, we can learn from it and learn to handle it professionally. What Kind of Interview Is It? Eli Amdur does a great job of walking readers through the different types of interviews that exist. If you havent interviewed in a while or if youre advancingin the process with a particular company, its a smart idea to review the different scenarios you may encounter and plan accordingly. You may not know until the day of, either, so its important to be able to shift gears and handle different dynamics on the fly.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Februarys Spectacular Sponsors!

Februarys Spectacular Sponsors! February February February! Honestly, I keep forgetting what month it is, so Im just gonna keep repeating it until I get it through my head. Im thrilled to introduce my new Spectacular Sponsors for February!: Need help taming your wild inbox, wrangling your to-do lists and piles, streamlining your work processes or just getting organized? Check out my productivity and time management coaching services.  Im  Thekla  Richter, and I want to help you discover your own uniquely productive workstyle. 10% off any coaching package to When I Grow Up readers. You shine, you’re driven, passionate, and creative! But just like our bodies need attention to stay healthy, our creativity needs to be nurtured. What better way to reignite your creativity than hanging out with other fiery, creative women? We’re planning a getaway just outside beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, to recharge ourselves. Come and work one-on-one with Alexandra Franzen, Jessika Hepburn, and others, as we find ways to get our creative fires burning once again. Through workshops, discussions, and play, you’ll find yourself inspired and will walk away with fabulous tools and techniques to help keep your creativity flowing. Are you brave enough to push yourself past your comfortable creative limits? If so, come and get inspired up with us! And my returning sponsors!: Im  Rachel  McDonald, a  WithWoman. I rouse  women into  finding the truth of who  they are and help  them  live this truth in the world.  I create magical and quirky eBooks and eCourses like The Happy Course a light and sparkling 6 week journey to happiness.  I am passionate about helping women to be all they can be a Soul Gypsy.  I also send out monthly Muse-Letters, complete with happy sparkles! Come and connect at Camp Restival a online playground for Soul Gypsies at I’m Erin, Your Blog Doctor and I’m here to help. Perplexed by WordPress? Confused by coding? Flummoxed by Photoshop? I’m your hero in the red cape wielding a CSS sword. I will take your slacker blog and whip it into shape in no time. I’m a WordPress whiz who eats HTML for breakfast. Get in touch if you need one-time or ongoing help to wrassle your blog into submission. Prints, paintings, doodles and love of home at LaBelle Avenue. Fun, free and chaotic colors. A gift from me to YOU, use coupon code MICHELLE when placing an order to receive free shipping. Hi, my name is Stacy Kathryn and I am an artist and illustrator! Creating art has been something I’ve gravitated towards my entire life. My dream is that my works find their place in this world, and help others create their own views of the world in the movement of the brush strokes, the vivid colors, and the concepts of life as only art can reflect. I’ve recently started creating magnets, cards, and one-of-a-kind art pendant necklaces that are now available in my shop. This path is an adventure, and I’d love for you to join me on it. Check out my blog and website for more art and inspiration. Handmade accessories for your sweet tooth! Go Green with reusable snack bags and coffee cozies, or   give your e-reader some much needed love and style with a new padded case. A luggage tag or two for your winter getaway is a must for quickly finding your suitcase amongst a sea of black bags. The Plaid Cupcake: Stylish. Practical. Sweet. From Michelle: I’ve been a Vistaprint-er for years, ordering my business cards, notecards,  letterhead, and even wedding thank yous from em! And for serious,  never go  to Vistaprint  without checking out  Coupon Cabin first, even if you have a customer code to use. Itll bring the  price down so low you cant afford to not get your custom  stationary from em! Interested in becoming a Spectacular Sponsor for March or beyond? You can make it happen for as little as $20/month, reaching my ~6,000 twitter followers, ~1,600 Facebook fans, and ~15,000 monthly site visitors . Contact me for the deets and Ill get back to ya lickety-split. Dont forget that todays the last day to win yoself a Beer Tool!